Designer : Takamochi Hayashida
In present-day life, there are quite a few pople who hate smell of cigarette.By using SUMI inside the product, it's possible to deodorize the smell, and with a open and close type function, It can keep fro spreading stink air.The product offer comfortable space to both people who smoke and who don't smoke.Smell of cigarette which is invisible for SUMI effect which is invisible.
現代社会において、タバコの臭いに嫌悪感を示す人は少なくありません。内部に炭を使うことで気になるタバコの臭いを脱臭できる、また開閉式にすることで臭いの分散を防ぐことができる。喫煙者にも、嫌煙家にも心地いい空間を提供したいと思いました。目に見えないタバコの臭いに、目に見えない炭の効果を。 |